to view our current water project
a) equipping rural communities with basic machineries (e.g., corn mills), to lower the household workload of women and girls; b) offering educational services to women relating to issues of parenting, substance abuse, sexually transmissible diseases (e.g., HIV), family violence and education; c) organizing workshops to increasing rural people awareness about the importance of eliminating illiteracy of girls and women; d) awarding scholarships to meritorious girls from needy families in rural communities to narrow the accessibility gaps to elementary school between girls and boys and boost functional literacy and schooling for women;
a) equipping rural communities with equipment and advice for drilling wells and protecting sources of potable and safe drinking water; b) providing regular supplies of essential medicine and other material needed to combat disease; c) supplying health centers, with basic material to handle malaria and other endemic diseases; d) providing basic education to increasing the awareness of rural communities about the importance and quality of hygienic and healthy conditions through hygienic latrines, housings, drinking water, and safe food;
c) gradual refurbishment of classrooms, distribution of basic personal necessities to pupils, and provision of furniture and instructional materials to schools to allow indigent children to receive their education in a secure physical environment and prepare their future self-sufficiency in society;
a) refurbishing classrooms from fragile, unhygienic, unsafe and rammed earth buildings to safe classrooms; b) equipping classrooms in impoverished rural communities with basic furniture such as desks and blackboards; c) equipping needy rural children and women with basic school materials such as pens, pencils, exercise books, textbooks, and rules; d) awarding selective scholarships to enable the children of poor families, and especially girls, to gain access to advanced studies; e)distributing a balanced meal at least once a month to needy children;
a) acquiring and distributing basic agricultural equipments and inputs to one or more selected needy rural communities for their collective use; b) helping rural communities improve storage facilities and mechanisms for getting farm produce to local and urban markets; c) teaching rural community members and their leaders basic skills, by means of workshops, for a safe, responsible, and collective use of agricultural equipments and inputs received; d) providing administrative, logistical, and technical support of the use of agricultural equipment during the first years until the served rural community achieve a sufficient self-support level.